UC Davis is a governing member of the Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Design Ecosystem (BioMADE), funded by the Department of Defense and headquartered at the University of Minnesota. BioMADE creates an ecosystem for public and private partners to support education, training, research, and commercialization activities that will grow the U.S. bioeconomy. Central to all efforts is a focus on 4S - Safety, Security, Sustainability and Social Responsibility. Distinguished Prof. Karen McDonald (Chemical Engineering) serves on the Leadership Council, Prof. Justin Siegel (Chemistry) serves on the Technical Committee and Dr. Denneal Jamison-McClung serves on the Education and Workforce Development Committee for campus.


Related Resources

Bioindustrial Manufacturing - Made in the USA (A STEMConnector - BioMADE eBook published Feb 2023)

Opportunities and Challenges in Bioindustrial Manufacturing: An Enviromental Scan of Workforce Development in the Industry (Nov 2022, pdf)

COE Press Release (Nov 2020): UC Davis Joins New $274.5M Bioindustrial Manufacturing Center | College of Engineering