Research Consortia

2016 Phytoengineering Research Center Workshop at UC Davis
Prof. Justin Siegel takes a group of 2016 Phytoengineering Research Center Workshop participants on a tour of the UC Davis Genome Center facilities.  The Genome Center houses several technology cores which support campus and external research community projects in bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and related high thru-put, platform technologies.

Biotech Research Consortia and Interdisciplinary Projects

The UC Davis Biotechnology Program serves as an administrative hub and training partner for campus biotech-related research consortia and interdisciplinary projects. These efforts bring together key stakeholders for the development of technologies in human, animal and planetary health, agriculture and natural resource management, including platform technologies and data-informed models, as well as outreach and education strategies to engage the public and build an inclusive STEM workforce. Biotech Program director Jamison-McClung works closely with research faculty and industry partners across these consortia to pursue extramural funding that supports research, training, and outreach.

Recent research consortia have focused on cell and tissue engineering and the development of bioprocessing technologies for high value proteins, including cultivated meat and alternative proteins for human and animal nutrition, as well as the rapid, cost-effective manufacture of proteins for health-related diagnostics, therapeutics, and biodefense. The IntBio interdisciplinary project brings together research approaches from ecology, remote sensing, and plant genomics to generate complex demographic models that may help us better understand climate impacts on plants.

Research consortia build on the strengths of UC Davis faculty while bringing together national and international partners from the public and private sectors. Many of our DEB doctoral students participate as research interns with industry partners and we continue to build public-private research communities that support translational research.

Active Research Consortia

Currently Inactive or Concluded Projects

Related Resources

The UC Davis campus is home to four Grand Challenges that overlap with the Biotech Program mission and a number of unique research-related resources that facilitate the development of technologies in the life sciences and engineering.  The Biotechnology Program actively engages across campus and has collaborated on grant writing, outreach, science communication, workshops, and student training efforts with a number of biotech-related research units, including some of the programs listed below.