Science & Technology Blog Posts

Enhancing Iron Content in Maize by Gene Regulation

In my first blog on Brassica oleracea, I introduced that variants of these crops are rich in vitamins, dietary fiber, and many minerals. Among minerals, iron content is an essential micronutrient for crops and humans, which plays a crucial role in various biological processes necessary for growth and development. Here, I will discuss the importance of iron in crops and how to enhance the iron content, especially in maize, by gene regulation. 

Structural Variation: The “Key” to Brassica oleracea Evolution

Diverse Morphotypes of Brassica oleracea

Brassica oleracea is widely cultivated worldwide and is one of the most important categories of vegetable crops. It is a species that encompasses a wide range of cultivated vegetables including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi, etc. These vegetables, though are all belong to Brassica oleracea, appear very differently.

Precision Fermentation: TurtleTree Uses Microbes to Fuel a Cow-less Milk Revolution

We learned a bit in my previous blog about precision fermentation and how we can use the power of engineering microorganisms to craft the products we want from simple ingredients like fruits and vegetables! In this follow-up story we are going to step into the world of cutting-edge innovation as we talk with a groundbreaking company that is paving its way in this field: TurtleTree!

Fermentation: From Bioreactors to Your Plate

Let’s travel through time, looking at the history and future of a field where food and science meet, fermentation! Fermentation uses microorganisms that act like tiny chefs to convert simple ingredients into delicious flavors. Fermentation has given us everything from tangy yogurt to fluffy bread. Yet, as technology leaps forward, we are entering a new chapter: precision fermentation. This innovative approach merges the ancient art of fermentation with cutting-edge science, allowing us to engineer microorganisms to craft new products that were once unimaginable.

ADAR Inhibitors - Future Cancer Therapeutics

In recent years, the field of cancer research has witnessed a growing interest in targeting RNA editing as a potential therapeutic strategy. Adenosine Deaminase Acting on RNA (ADAR), a key enzyme involved in RNA editing, has emerged as an attractive target for cancer therapy. In this blog post, we will explore the role of ADAR and RNA editing in cancer and the potential of ADAR inhibitors as effective cancer therapeutics, highlighting the progress made in this area and the challenges that lie ahead.

Site-Directed RNA Editing: Unlocking New Avenues for Precision Medicine

In genetics, it is common knowledge that the blueprint of life lies within the intricate structure of DNA. However, a lesser-known but equally important player in the process of gene expression is RNA. From my previous blog, we learned that RNA carries the instructions encoded in DNA and helps to synthesize proteins that dictate the functioning of living organisms.

The Golden Era of RNA-Based Therapeutics

The development of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 has showcased the potential of RNA-based approaches, generating significant enthusiasm and investment in the field. RNA-based therapeutics offer new potential treatments for a range of diseases, taking advantage of the natural role of RNA in gene expression and allowing for targeted gene regulation and protein synthesis. In this blog, we will explore the types of RNA-based therapeutics, their advantages and limitations, and the current state of research in the field. But first, let’s define what an RNA molecule is.

RNA Editing Affects Repair of DNA Damage by the NEIL Enzyme

DNA damage is a phenomenon that can be detrimental to genomic integrity. Thankfully, our bodies have adapted many pathways to repair such DNA damage to prevent mutagenesis and cell death. There are many different topics related to DNA damage and repair, and I have recently focused on two other interesting topics related to this. In my first blog, I touched on the epigenetic role of DNA damage.

Microfluidics: Doing More with Less - Part 2

This is Part 2 of a 3-part series on biological applications of microfluidic devices. Part 1 covered the history, physics, and popular fabrication methods of microfluidic devices. This part will cover the application of microfluidic devices in low resource and point-of-care applications, while Part 3 will discuss the role of microfluidic devices in cutting edge technologies.

The Epigenetic Role of DNA Damage in G-Quadruplex Structures

Repairing DNA damage is an essential capability for humans and other multicellular organisms. Inability to repair DNA damage can lead to cells dividing randomly and the development of both benign and malignant tumors. The David Lab at UC Davis is working on understanding the molecular mechanisms of DNA repair as a first step in developing targeted therapies to prevent common cancers.